
Read what our customers are saying

"The board is better and more fun than any of the fiberglass skim-boards I've used"
Sean C, Austin, TX

Excellent experience working with Haast on a custom longboard. The gorgeous combination of shades and red accent lines is unique and visually pops. The board looks great on the wall but begs to be admired in the street! Rides beautifully; I couldn’t be happier with the board.

Kenneth C, Seattle

Thank you so much for this handcrafted, bespoke art piece. The maple and padauk combo with the glossy finish makes the deep red of the padauk really stand out. I’ve had so many comments on how striking it looks and just as many shocked that I would ride it instead of mounting it on a wall. No other board comes close to the unique piece that you have created!

No issues with international shipping, the board arrived undamaged and in reasonable time over the busiest holiday period of the year.

Dan F, Waiheke Island, NZ